Herpesvirus infection of pigeons

Authors: Gumbrell RC, Thompson EJ, Watson PR
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 25, Issue 3, pp 74, Mar 1977
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Avian
Subject Terms: Viral, Disease/defect, Infectious disease, Pathology
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: This letter records two suspected cases of Herpesvirus Infection (Inclusion Body Disease) of pigeons in New Zealand, one at Palmerston North and one at Christchurch. This disease was first described in the United States. More recently similar diseases have been reported in Denmark, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. Although the clinical signs and pathological lesions described have been variable, a consistent finding has been a focal hepatocellular necrosis with associated intranuclear inclusion bodies. Cornwell et al. isolated a herpesvirus from pigeons with this characteristic lesion, and described its properties in a later series of investigations. In these New Zealand cases both affected lofts reported sporadic losses for two to three years in birds up to six months of age. Affected birds showed-malaise, inappetence, dyspnoea, mucoid nasal discharge and yellow deposits in their mouths…
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