Commercial embryo-transfers in cattle

Authors: Struthers GA, Marshall DPJ
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 26, Issue 4, pp 92-95, Apr 1978
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Reproduction - female, Reproduction, Reproduction - assisted/embryo transfer, Embryo/fetus
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: Eighty-six cows and 46 heifers were operated on to surgically recover embryos in a 5-month embryo-transfer season. The work was done for Southern Breeders Ltd, at Wairaki Station in Southland. The programme was commercially successful. It resulted in 867 pregnant recipients at 90 days with an average of 4.23 pregnancies per donor operation.
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