The effect of immunizing mice with a derivative of 2-amino-5-chloro-3, 4-dimethoxy benzyl alcohol coupled to some bacteria on sporidesmin-induced bilirubinaemia

Authors: Jonas WE, Erasmuson AF
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 27, Issue 4, pp 61-63, Apr 1979
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Laboratory animal, Livestock, Wildlife
Subject Terms: Inflammation, Integument/skin/wool/hair/fur/feather, Disease/defect, Mycotoxicosis, Liver/hepatic disease, Fungal/yeast, Immune system/immunology, Photosensitivity, Toxicology, Research/development
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: Mice given sporidesmin in their drinking water for 10 days developed bilirubinaemia. Mice immunized with some 2-amino-5-chloro-3, 4-dimethoxy benzyl alcohol-bacteria complexes were apparently more resistant to the bilirubinaemic effect of sporidesmin than were unimmunized mice.
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