A comparison of vitamin B12 levels in the livers and sera of sheep measured by microbiological and radioassay methods

Authors: Millar KR, Penrose ME
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 28, Issue 5, pp 97-99, May 1980
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant, Sheep
Subject Terms: Clinical pathology, Diagnostic procedures, Cobalt/vitamin B12, Trace elements, Vitamins
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: Five radioassay methods (commercial kits) were evaluated for the determination of vitamin B12 in sheep serum. They provided results that correlated significantly (P<0.01) with those obtained using a microbiological assay. One radioassay method was evaluated for analysing vitamin B12 in liver, and the results were in excellent agreement with those obtained by the microbiological method. Little correlation between serum and liver vitamin B12 levels was found. The limited diagnostic value of serum vitamin B12 concentrations for detecting cobalt deficiency in sheep is discussed.
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