Serving capacity test

Authors: Wallace NM
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 31, Issue 6, pp 100, Jun 1983
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Animal welfare, Reproduction, Reproduction - male
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: Your first correspondent D. Fraser (6.12.82) is offended by his description of a very poorly set up test which in no way resembles that described by Dr. Michael Blockey. and from his observations is moved to condemn this useful estimate of fertility. In his second letter (9.2.83) he expresses disappointment at the reply published in the January February issue and criticises the `Aglink` describing the test. (would agree that this is an unsuitable communication in which to publish information which should be available to veterinarians only. but wonder why any further recommendations from the N.Z.V.A. are considered to be required. Dr. Blockey made available the plans of the bail needed to hold the heifers. and this test was described about seven years ago at a V.S.C. course on reproduction in Cattle and Pigs held at Hamilton in May 1976 as part of a “yard test” involving the examination of the motor and genital systems of bulls. It is regrettable that an anthropomorphic attitude has been introduced into this correspondence…
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