Animal welfare considerations of laparoscopic A.I.

Authors: Gething M
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 35, Issue 9, pp 157, Sep 1987
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Goat, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Animal welfare, Artificial insemination, Reproduction - female, Breed/breeding, Husbandry/husbandry procedures, Reproduction, Reproduction - male
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: I was most disturbed to read the recent letter from D A Conway, which indicated that some veterinarians appear to be compromising the welfare of goats when carrying out laparoscopic A.I. Recently the NZVA released a policy statement on invasive surgery for the record I believe this should be restated. It reads: “Invasive surgery procedures necessitate the provision of accepted standards of analgesia, asepsis, haemostasis and minimal trauma to ensure the welfare of the animals concerned. These procedures must therefore be performed under direct veterinary supervision. The accompanying guidelines state that veterinarians responsible for the performance of these procedures are fully accountable for the protection of…
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