The use of muscle relaxant in dairy practice

Authors: Visser R, Vermunt J
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 35, Issue 10, pp 177-178, Oct 1987
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Anaesthesia/analgesia/sedation, Animal remedies/veterinary medicines, Animal handling, Locomotor, Treatment/therapy
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: Guaiaphenesin (glycerol guaiacolate or G.G.) produces excellent muscle relaxation with little effect.on respiration. It does not depress respiration or affect the myocardium unless grossly overdosed. Its main uses are for short diagnostic procedures, as an adjunct to induction of anaesthesia and to allow or facilitate intubation. It is usually used as a 5% solution in 5% dextrose (5 grams of G.G. per 100mls of 5% dextrose-saline) and always administered intravenously. The dose rate intravenously for ruminants is 2-2.5mj of the 5% solution per kg of body weight. A 400kg cow will need approximately 1000ml.of the solution which is equivalent to 50 grams of G.G. or 125mg per kg. Fatalities are seen with doses of 450mg per kg of body weight. We are using G.G. at half the above dose rate in combination with 2% xylazine very successfully in the following procedures: reduction of hip dislocation, teat surgery with the cow in dorsal recumbency left flank laparotomy in combination with caesarian section in cases of severely emphysematous uterine contents. Attempts at reduction of hip dislocation are justified…
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