Lafora's disease in an epileptic Basset hound

Authors: Swinney GR, Cayzer J, Jian Z, Alley MR
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 38, Issue 2, pp 75-79, Jun 1990
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Companion animal, Dog
Subject Terms: Locomotor, Disease/defect, Nervous system/neurology, Pathology
Article class: Clinical Communication
Abstract: A 6-year-old Basset hound developed a progressive central nervous system disease culminating in epileptic seizures. Histologically, Lafora bodies were found in neurones of the middle and deeper cerebral cortex and midbrain, in Purkinje cells and their processes, and in glial cells of the molecular layer of the cerebellum. Many were also observed free in the neuropil. The ultrastructural and histochemical characteristics of the bodies were similar to those described in previous human and canine cases of Lafora`s disease.
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