Management of equine sarcoids: 1975-93

Authors: Davis RE, Rawlinson R J, Reppas GP, McConaghy FF, Hodgson DR, Hutchins DR, McClintock SA
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 42, Issue 5, pp 180-184, Oct 1994
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Horse, Livestock
Subject Terms: Integument/skin/wool/hair/fur/feather, Neoplasia, Oncology, Surgery, Treatment/therapy
Article class: Clinical Communication
Abstract: Treatment options for equine sarcoids are briefly reviewed and the results of a retrospective study of 63 cases of equine sarcoid (66 lesions) treated by clinicians from the Rural Veterinary Centre, Camden, Australia from 1975 to 1993 presented. Five different treatments were employed in the management of these 66 lesions, including surgical excision alone or in combination with cryotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and tumour transfer to a subcutaneous site on the neck. The majority of cases were treated with surgical excision alone (18/66), excision followed by cryotherapy (31/66) and immunotherapy (16/66), with success rates of 28%, 42% and 81% respectively. Success was defined as no sign of recurrence of the lesion at the time of follow-up, at least 6 months later.
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