Acceptance by stoats (Mustela erminea) of 1080 (sodium monofluoroacetate) in small-volume baits and its effect on behaviour and time to death

Authors: Potter MA, King CM, Barrett DP
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 54, Issue 6, pp 350-356, Dec 2006
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Ferret/stoat, Wildlife
Subject Terms: Toxicology, Pest/pesticides, Poisoning - chemical, Poisoning, Animal welfare, Behaviour, Biosecurity, Legal/regulation, Parasites - external
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: AIMS: To assess whether stoats (Mustela erminea) would eat small baits containing 0.1% sodium monofluoroacetate (1080); whether they would die from it; how long it would take to kill them; and to document the behaviour of 1080-intoxicated stoats.
METHODS: Stoats were offered 1-g baits of two semi-fluid formulations containing 0.1% 1080, presented in open dishes, and their subsequent behaviour was monitored by video and direct observation. Muscle samples from stoats that died were analysed for 1080 residues.
RESULTS: There was no significant difference between two types of bait with regard to acceptance, mortality, and time to death, and behavioural effects were similar; consequently, results from the two types of bait were combined. Twelve of 14 stoats offered the baits ate them voluntarily, and a 13th licked bait off its fur; all 13 died between 1 h 15 min and 4 h 7 min (mean 2 h 38 min) later. At first (range 29 min – 2 h 7 min, mean 1 h 1 min), their behaviour appeared to be normal. Ataxia and hyperactivity were the first behavioural signs of poisoning, and lasted 2 min – 1 h 40 min (mean 26 min). This was followed by recumbency with convulsions and rapid breathing (range 16 min to 2 h, mean 58 min), then recumbency with limited activity and progressively shallow breathing prior to death (range 1–51 min, mean 33 min). Stoats became non-responsive to a light being turned on, or to touch once recumbency became sustained. Residues of 1080 were found in muscle tissue of all 13 dead stoats, at concentrations ranging from 0.075 μg/g in a 287-g male that died 4 h 7 min after eating only 0.74 g of bait, to 2.5 μg/g in a 254-g female that died 2 h 42 min after taking a whole 1-g bait.
CONCLUSION: Stoats will voluntarily take small (1-g) baits containing a lethal dose of 1080 at 0.1%, and die from it comparatively rapidly for a mammalian carnivore.
KEY WORDS: Stoat, Mustela erminea, pest control, animal welfare, sodium monofluoroacetate, 1080, intoxication, behaviour
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