Hepatic lobectomy in dogs using a stapling device with a vascular cartridge: a retrospective study of 13 cases

Authors: Szwec D, Singh A, Gatineau M
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 71, Issue 5, pp 259-226, Sep 2023
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Dog
Article class: Clinical Article

Case history: Medical records of two veterinary hospitals in Canada were reviewed to identify cases of dogs that underwent liver lobectomy via open laparotomy using the Endo GIA surgical stapling device with a vascular cartridge (height of open and closed staples: 2.5 and 1.0 mm, respectively) between January 2016 and June 2018. Mean age at the time of surgery of the dogs (nā€‰=ā€‰13) included in the study was 10.4 (SD 1.5; min 7.9, max 12.8) years and mean body weight was 14 (min 3.9, max 37.8) kg.

Clinical findings: Liver masses requiring hepatic lobectomy were identified in 12 dogs by abdominal ultrasound examination. The remaining dog required a lobectomy of the right medial liver lobe to address leakage from the right medial lobe hepatic duct that occurred as a complication of cholecystectomy to treat a ruptured gallbladder mucocoele.

Treatment and outcome: Complete liver lobectomy of 14 lobes (11 from the left hepatic division) in 12 dogs and partial lobectomy of one lobe in one dog was performed via open laparotomy using the Endo GIA device. The mean surgical time, including concurrent procedures, was 50 (SD 17; median 45, min 28, max 91) minutes. The most common intra-operative complication was oozing from the transected liver parenchyma in 6/13 dogs, which was mild in all cases. Five dogs experienced minor post-operative complications. No major peri- or post-operative complications occurred, and no patients required surgical re-exploration. All patients survived until discharge and were alive at the 2-week follow-up for suture removal.

Clinical relevance: Use of the Endo GIA stapling device with a vascular cartridge is feasible for liver lobectomy of the left hepatic division and in this study had low rates of intra-operative and post-operative complications. The Endo GIA stapling device is a viable option for this type of liver lobectomy in dogs. Though successful, the small number of central (two lobes) and right (one lobe) hepatic division lobectomies in this study precludes us from drawing definitive conclusions about the feasibility of this technique on these divisions.

KEYWORDS: Hepatic lobectomy, Endo GIA, stapling device, vascular cartridge, dogs, laparotomy

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