The effect of staphylococcal antigen on the output of cells from the popliteal lymph node of immunized sheep

Authors: Shannon AD, Jones MAS
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp 19-23, Mar 1972
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant, Sheep
Subject Terms: Bacterial, Immune system/immunology, Circulatory system/haematology, Disease/defect, Infectious disease
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: It has been recorded that, following the injection of antigen, there is a transient fall in the number of lymphocytes in the lymph leaving the popliteal lymph node draining the injection site (Hall and Morris, 1962, 1965). This is followed by a rise in the number of lymphocytes in the efferent lymph and the appearance of polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Subsequently, as part of the immune response, cells of the plasmacytic series appear in the lymph (Hall and Morris, 1963; Cunningham et al 1966). In addition, these workers have shown that these changes occur only in the node draining the site of antigen injection and not in the contralateral node, thus indicating a local reaction. The writers have been studying the factors that influence the number of lymphocytes migrating through the popliteal lymph node of sheep and, by sampling the lymph at frequent intervaIs, find the immediate response to injection of antigen to be more complex than that described by previous workers. The experiments reported in this paper demonstrate that the duration and extent of the depressed cell output following an injection of antigen is dependent on the quantity of antigen injected.
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