A case of multiple xanthomatosis and diabetes mellitus in a dog

Authors: Gumbrell RC
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 20, Issue 12, pp 240-242, Dec 1972
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Companion animal, Dog
Subject Terms: Endocrine/autocrine/paracrine, Glucose/glycogen, Disease/defect, Alimentary system/gastroenterology, Abdomen, Pathology, Urinary system/urology
Article class: Clinical Communication
Abstract: An ovariectomized female terrier dog had two episodes of lead poisoning, confirmed by a laboratory, in June 1966 and in March 1968. In July 1968, when she was 11 years old, she was presented showing periodic vomiting and loss of condition. She appeared to respond to therapy with calcium EDTA for lead poisoning although the laboratory findings did not support this diagnosis. In October 1968 she was admitted with a history of rapid loss of condition over the previous 10 days, polyuria and polydypsia. On clinical examination she showed emaciation, dehydration and depression. Urinalysis showed a moderate ketonuria and a 2% glycosuria. The blood glucose level was 2,000 mg/litre. There was no change in these levels over 24 hours. Diabetes mellitus was diagnosed and euthanasia of the dog was requested by the owner…
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