Copper poisoning in sheep grazing in an orchard

Authors: Hanly CJ, Hanly GJ
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 21, Issue 8, pp 177, Aug 1973
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant, Sheep
Subject Terms: Copper, Trace elements, Poisoning - chemical, Toxicology
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: Over the past 4 years sheep have been grazed in an orchard without any problems. An interval of 10 weeks was always allowed between spraying of the trees with copper compounds and the grazing of the area. However, this year 120 hoggets were grazed there 10 weeks after spraying with copper oxychloride. Deaths were associated with sudden, cold, dry weather which caused a premature fall of the autumn leaves and these were eaten readily by the sheep…
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