Ancylostoma in dogs

Authors: Hooke FG, Smith CF
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 24, Issue 5, pp 95-96, May 1976
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Companion animal, Dog
Subject Terms: Abdomen, Alimentary system/gastroenterology, Nematode, Parasites - internal
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: The purpose of this communication is to alert practitioaers to the threat of the highly pathogenic Ancylostoma caninum hookworms being imported into New Zealand in dog, to relate our own experiences with this situation and to suggest some guidelines for control measures and the technical reasons for these suggestions. Recently we had occasion to undertake a detailed veterinary investigetion into the circumstances surrounding the apparent failure of pyrantel pamcrate*] in controlling hookworm and roundworm in young greyhound pups…
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