Demonstration of a herpesvirus from piglets with lesions of Aujeszky's disease in New Zealand

Authors: Stevenson BJ, Buddle JR, Lash GW, Burgess GW
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 24, Issue 9, pp 214-215, Sep 1976
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Livestock, Pig, Production animal
Subject Terms: Biosecurity, Notifiable organisms/exotic disease, Viral, Disease/defect, Infectious disease
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: Four suckling piglets have been examined at this laboratory from a Taranaki herd in which sudden death, chorea, and convulsions were the clinical features. There were lesions of a severe non-suppurative encephalitis, focal myocardial necrosis and diffuse interstitial pneumonia present in the first piglet submitted. Histopathological examination of three further cases confirmed that the lesions, including severe rhinitis, were indistinguishable from those of Aujeszky`s disease…
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