Prevalence and pathogenicity of Anoplocephala perfoliata in a horse population in South Auckland

Authors: Bain SA, Kelly JD
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 25, Issue 1-2, pp 27-28, Jan 1977
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Horse, Livestock
Subject Terms: Abdomen, Alimentary system/gastroenterology, Cestode, Parasites - internal, Disease surveillance, Epidemiology
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: A survey of the prevalence of Anoplocephala perfoliata in 65 horses is described. An overall prevalence rate of 82% was found for A. perfoliata infection and 77% of infected horses exhibited ulcerative pathology in the ileo-caecal region directly associated with this parasite. Anoplocephela magna and Paranoplocephala mamillana were not recovered.
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