Controls on chloramphenicol

Authors: Anonymous
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 25, Issue 3, pp 45, Mar 1977
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: General
Subject Terms: Animal remedies/veterinary medicines, Antibiotics, Treatment/therapy, Bacterial, Pharmacology, Veterinary profession
Article class: General Article
Abstract: The 1974 NZVA seminar on animal remedies focussed attention on the need to balance therapeutic usefulness of antibiotics in veterinary practice against their real and potentiai public health hazards. Chloramphenicol undoubtedly calls for special attention; it is pleasing to see that a technical committee of the Association has been investigating the policy that should be adopted on the veterinary uses of chloramphenicol here. It must be borne in mind that cessation of the use of one antibiotic could lead to its immediate replacement by another. We must be certain that the replacement has fewer undesirable features than the original…
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