The need for research in small animal medicine

Authors: Busch T
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 25, Issue 11, pp 350-351, Nov 1977
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cat, Companion animal, Dog, General
Subject Terms: Research/development, Veterinary profession
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: You are all aware that the needs for research in small animal medicine differs from those of other veterinary endeavours because we do not deal with export markets and primary industry, but rather with an unique area of consumerism. Because we deal mainly with individual animals rather than groups, some people try to link our work with that of the physician, but here again the requirements are different. The economic value of the patient may be limited but we all know that the emotional value to the client can create both challenge and demand for the veterinarian. Practitioners are especially in need of research of a practical nature. Having said this, we also realize that, without looking into the depths of the basic sciences, we would not progress beyond empirical solutions. A balance is needed then between the mundane and the sophisticated between intra-cardiac surgery and trimming toenails, and between that which shows immediate practicality and that which shows promise for the future…
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