Bovine adenovirus infection

Authors: Thompson EJ
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 25, Issue 11, pp 353, Nov 1977
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Abdomen, Viral, Disease/defect, Infectious disease, Alimentary system/gastroenterology, Growth/development
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: Adenovirus infections of cattle have been reported from many countries. Initial isolations were from apparently healthy cattle but subsequent isolations have been associated with a variety of disease syndromes. In calves, these include pneumonenteritis, conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis and weak-calf syndrome. In mature cattle, respiratory disease complex and a mild disease characterised by pyrexia, anorexia and diarrhoea have been described. Pneumonic and enteric disease have also been induced experimentally in calves following inoculation with some strains of adenovirus, as has the weak calf syndrome. We wish to record our observations on a case of adenovirus infection in New Zealand…
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