Bacteriological evaluation of bruised tissue in lamb carcasses

Authors: Petersen GV
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 26, Issue 1-2, pp 9-10, Jan 1978
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant, Sheep
Subject Terms: Bacterial, Trauma/injuries, Meat, Contamination/hygiene, Public health, Integument/skin/wool/hair/fur/feather, Treatment/therapy
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: The effect of bruising on lamb carcasses in terms of aerobic bacterial load on the affected surface was investigated. A comparison of swab samples between bruised areas and control areas on the same caracasses showed a significant increase in the bacterial load over the bruised area. This difference might be due to a difference in the texture of the surfaces of the two areas and further studies in this field, using the tissue-sampling method, are suggested.
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