Nutritional myopathy - a cause of ataxia in broiler chickens

Authors: Bains BS, Watson ARA
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 26, Issue 1-2, pp 31-32, Jan 1978
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Avian, Poultry, Production animal
Subject Terms: Locomotor, Disease/defect, Diet/rations/food, Muscle/myology, Nervous system/neurology, Nutrition/metabolism
Article class: Clinical Communication
Abstract: Two flocks of commercial meat chickens, at 6-weeks of age, exhibited ataxia and into-ordination progressing to complete inability to sit up or walk about. Heavy mortality occurred in both flocks due to trampling and suffocation. Gross lessions of myopathy were present in adductor and sartorius muscles. Histological examination of thigh muscles and myocardium showed the lesions to be consistent with vitamin E and/or selenium deficiency in chickens. The cause of this problem was thought to be the inclusion of poultry-offal meal in the diets.
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