Organochlorine poisoning in cats

Authors: Nuttall WO
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 26, Issue 10, pp 262, Oct 1978
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cat, Companion animal
Subject Terms: Pest/pesticides, Agricultural compounds, Poisoning - chemical, Toxicology
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: The use, and misuse, of organochlorines as insecticides was a much debated issue, some 15-20 years ago. Many countries, including New Zealand, have phased out large scale agricultural use of these chemicals. This letter records a recent case of organochlorine poisoning in kittens. Hopefully, this report will serve as a timely reminder of the possible consequences of the misuse of these compounds, and of the need for practitioners to bear organochlorine insecticides in mind as a differential diagnosis for central nervous system/convulsive-type symptoms in small animals…
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