Protective effect of zinc sulphate in a natural facial eczema outbreak in dairy cows

Authors: Embling PP, Coe BD, Smith BL
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 26, Issue 12, pp 314-315, Dec 1978
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Biosecurity, Inflammation, Integument/skin/wool/hair/fur/feather, Disease/defect, Disease control/eradication, Epidemiology, Mycotoxicosis, Liver/hepatic disease, Fungal/yeast, Photosensitivity, Toxicology, Treatment/therapy, Trace elements, Minerals/elememts
Article class: Short Communication
Abstract: The administration of a 50% (w/v) zinc sulphate solution by drenching gun to lactating dairy cows (30 mg Zn/kg/d) during the spore ingestion phase of a mild natural facial eczema outbreak had a marked prophylactic effect as judged by serum gamma-glutamyl transferase values. Weight changes recorded over the period of the experiment indicated that the zinc doses may also have caused inappetance or marginal toxicity under the conditions of the experiment…
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