Induced termination of the calving season in a large dairy herd

Authors: Day AM
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 27, Issue 7, pp 133, Jul 1979
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Parturition, Parturition - induced, Reproduction, Reproduction - female, Reproduction - hormones
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: I am grateful to Langford for pointing out the error in Table III in my paper. The total conceptions in the PGF group should read 13. One figure in the text should also be corrected the incidence of dystocia after PGF was recorded by Hendricks et al. as 54%, not 42% as shown. Langford appears to doubt the wisdom of reporting results obtained in a study conducted on one property, inferring that the conditions prevailing on this farm were not “normal field conditions”. Apart from being much larger than average, and having had a high incidence of gangrenous mastitis in previous years, the herd is like most others. The induction of premature parturition has been a normal feature of the calving season on this property for over 5 years, and the results obtained with the technique have been very acceptable to the owners…
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