The profession and its public

Authors: Slaughter RE
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 28, Issue 1-2, pp 1-2, Jan 1980
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: General
Subject Terms: Ethics, Management, Veterinary profession
Article class: General Article
Abstract: As we enter the 1980`s, whilst our thoughts must be mainly projected toward the future, a few recollections of the progress of the veterinary profession during the 1970`s should not go amiss. Perhaps, on a year-to-year basis, little seemed to change. The same things happened at the same time every year. To compare 1970 with 1980, however, provides a clearer picture of what has happened within the profession and the difficulties we now face, particularly in rural practice. Looking at society in general in the same way presents a much greater series of changes over that decade. The world of electronic gadgetry, computerisation, plastic throw-aways and fast travel has, whether we like it or not, changed our lives considerably…
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