Toxicosis in a piggery

Authors: Edwards JD
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 28, Issue 1-2, pp 9-10, Jan 1980
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Livestock, Pig, Production animal
Subject Terms: Animal production/wastage, Growth/development, Mammary gland/udder, Milk, Toxicology
Article class: Clinical Communication
Abstract: A 11O-sow intensive piggery experienced a sudden drop in production. This first became apparent as an agalactia with subsequent piglet deaths. Investigations showed that this was a primary agalactia resulting from a lack of mammary development which, together with a reduction in birth weights, led to the loss of several litters. Toxin intake via one or more batches of feed was suspected. The feed source was changed, whereupon the syndrome disappeared. Chromatographic analysis revealed no known toxins but the clinical signs indicated the influence of a toxin.
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