Corkscrew penis and other breeding abnormalities in beef bulls

Authors: McDiarmid JJ
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 29, Issue 3, pp 35-36, Mar 1981
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Breed/breeding, Diagnostic procedures, Locomotor, Reproduction - male, Urinary system/urology, Anatomy, Reproduction, Clinical examination
Article class: Clinical Communication
Abstract: Physical examination and Blockey`s, modified serving capacity test (M.S.C.T.) were used to assess breeding soundness in 220 Angus bulls and 58 bulls of other breeds. Physical examination detected only 7 bulls with genital abnormalities (5 intra-scrotal lesions, 1 inguinal hernia, 1 penile injury), while 41 of the 278 performed poorly in the M.S.C.T. Of the poor performers, 19 (all older Angus animals) had corkscrew deviation of the extruded penis, 4 had other genital abnormalities, 4 had locomotor system abnormalities and in the remaining 14 the problem appeared related to poor libido. The severity of the corkscrew penile defect varied but most of the 19 affected bulls were unable to achieve successful intromission in over 50% of mounts.
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