Actinobacillus suis infection of horses

Authors: Hodges RT, Carman MG
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 30, Issue 6, pp 82-84, Jun 1982
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Horse, Livestock
Subject Terms: Bacterial, Disease/defect, Infectious disease, Ear/nose/throat, Pathology, Reproduction, Reproduction - male, Respiratory system, Species description, Oral/teeth
Article class: Clinical Communication
Abstract: Nineteen isolates of Actinobacillus suis were recovered from horses during the period October 1978-December 1980. Animals varied in age from a full term foetus to 12 years. One isolate was obtained from the nose of an apparently healthy horse, the remainder were obtained from still-born foetuses (2), foals dying within a week of birth (5), older animals with respiratory (6) or genital infections (3) or abscesses in the jaw (1). One isolate was obtained from the lung of a 2-week-old foal which had shown diarrhoea. The bacteriological characteristics of the isolates and the pathological lesions present in eight cases are described. The organism has a wide geographical distribution in New Zealand, and in the northern part of the North Island appears to be more common than A. equuli.
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