Suspected clostridial myositis in a domestic cat

Authors: Cagienard B
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 30, Issue 6, pp 87, Jun 1982
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cat, Companion animal
Subject Terms: Bacterial, Infectious disease, Disease/defect, Muscle/myology
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: A Iong-haired domestic cat, aged two years, appeared normal when fed by the owner at 9.00am. At 3.00pm the cat arrived home walking on three legs. The other leg appeared very painful. The owner brought the cat to the clinic immediately as she thought it has been hit by a car. I examined the cat. It had a temperature in the normal range, and it showed no signs of shock or any injury to the rest of its body and limbs apart from shattered claws on all four feet, which was suggestive of traumatic injury. The right hind leg was so painful that it could not be examined, the slightest touch causing the cat to scream…
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