Leptospirosis in dairy farmers: prevention by vaccination of cattle

Authors: Hellstrom JS, Ryan TJ, Penniket JH
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 30, Issue 7, pp 107-108, Jul 1982
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Human, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Animal remedies/veterinary medicines, Bacterial, Biosecurity, Disease control/eradication, Epidemiology, Immune system/immunology, Zoonosis, Disease/defect, Infectious disease, Public health, Vaccination
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: The high incidence of leptospirosis in dairy farm workers is an important and continuing rural public health problem in New Zealand. It has been suggested that vaccination of dairy cattle against Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo and pomona infection will prevent milkers becoming infected. We would like to report on a study of the protective effects on humans of such a vaccination programme in which a statistically significant (P=0.05, Fisher`s exact test) effect was demonstrated. We also wish to draw attention to some aspects observed both in this study and in other surveys in the Waikato area conducted by one of us (T.J.R.) which we consider could lead to unsatisfactory levels of protection. For the past two years the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Department of Health have conducted a study of a vaccination scheme in the Hauraki Plains county, an area of high human leptospirosis incidence…
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