A comparison of the pharmacological activity in cows of two suspensions of betamethasone alcohol

Authors: Cooper BS, MacDiarmid SC
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 30, Issue 12, pp 190-194, Dec 1982
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Biochemistry/chemistry, Clinical pathology, Diagnostic procedures, Endocrine/autocrine/paracrine, Metabolic disease, Disease/defect, Energy, Nervous system/neurology, Parturition, Parturition - induced, Pharmacology, Reproduction, Reproduction - female, Reproduction - hormones
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: The activity of two betamethasone (BM) suspensions, which differed only in their solids:vehicle ratio, was examined in cattle. Two groups of 10 cows received by subcutaneous injection either 20ml of a 2mg/ml aqueous suspension of BM alcohol or 2ml of a 20mg/ml aqueous suspension. A further 10 cows served as a saline-treated control group. The mean peak plasma BM concentration was significantly higher in cows treated with 2mg/ml suspension. However, plasma BM levels tended to be maintained for longer by the 20mg/ml suspension. A depression of early morning cortisol levels, similar to that seen with other synthetic glucocorticoids, was recorded with both BM preparations; the depression outlasted the presence of BM. Plasma glucose levels and circulating neutrophil numbers were elevated by BM treatment, and the magnitude and duration of these changes was related to the solids:vehicle ratio of the injected suspensions. The more concentrated suspension was absorbed more slowly and thus produced effects of greater duration.
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