Professional diversification. Presidential address, NZVA Conference 1983

Authors: Kelly CM
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 31, Issue 3, pp 21-23, Mar 1983
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: General
Subject Terms: Veterinary profession
Article class: General Article
Abstract: It has been a tradition of past presidential addresses to comment on the future direction of the veterinary profession. Indeed, the 1955 presidential address was entitled “Quo Vadis” which, loosely translated, means “What of the Future?” I too, wish to use this forum to offer to you some of my thoughts and ideas concerning the future of our profession. The subject I have chosen is encompassed in the title of this address, “PROFESSIONAL DIVERSIFICATION”. Within the confines of this title I wish to develop an argument, the central theme being that our veterinary profession in New Zealand, while have succeeded and become established in its traditional role is, in common with much of the rest of society, entering an era of change. New challenges are assailing our profession; but I believe we have the basic pre-requisites and the capacity to meet those challenges and, in so doing, to establish ourselves as an even stronger professional and vocational group. I believe that professional diversification is necessary to achieve this end…
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