Serving capacity tests for beef bulls

Authors: Jones JM
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 31, Issue 4, pp 60, Apr 1983
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Animal welfare, Reproduction, Reproduction - male
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: I would like to commend Don Fraser on his letter in the New Zealand Veterinary Journal Jan/Feb. issue, in bringing to the attention of the profession a practice that was exceedingly offensive for me to read about. I am astounded that veterinary practitioners could participate in test for serving capacity of beef bulls, where a small anoestrous heifer may be mounted “an average of 12 times”, (from the Aglink leaflet) in a short space of time by several sexually aggressive bulls, resulting in the animal going down bleeding. I am horrified to think what the media could do to the image of our profession, which we seem to be proclaiming currently as being so important to us, if they thought that we condoned such practices. To me it just is not acceptable that men should act out their sexual fantasies through observing beef bulls overpowering heifers; and to put this on as a public demonstration words fail me. I can hardly credit that Mr Packard would agree with Don Fraser`s observation that two heifers collapsed…
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