Comparison of footbathing treatments for ovine footrot using formalin or zinc sulphate

Authors: Hughes JM, Skerman TM, Green RS, Herceg M
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 31, Issue 6, pp 91-95, Jun 1983
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant, Sheep
Subject Terms: Bacterial, Hoof/claw, Disease/defect, Infectious disease, Limb - lower, Locomotor, Treatment/therapy, Trace elements, Minerals/elememts
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: A field trial was carried out to compare 3 topical treatments for ovine footrot. They were preliminary hoof paring with weekly footbathing either in 10% formalin, or in 10% zinc sulphate + 0.2% anionic surfactant (`Teepol`), or twice-weekly footbathing in the same zinc sulphate-surfactant mixture without hoof paring. Control sheep were not treated. Within 21 days, the number and severity of active lesions of footscald and footrot among treated sheep were substantially reduced by comparison with the controls; no significant differences were ohserved between treatments. Treatment effects were also comparable against mild footrot infection of the sole or heel region, hut in the more advanced lesions the healing response to paring and zinc footbathing was superior to that from paring and formalin footbathing (P<0.01). Twice-weekly foothathing in zinc-surfactant solution was effective in preventing new footrot infection. No chronic toxic effects attributable to zinc suluhate at a concentration of 10% were demonstrable in the hoof integument either clinically or histologically.
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