Actinobacillus seminis isolated from cattle

Authors: Stevenson BJ, Dixon RJ, Sims KR
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 31, Issue 7, pp 122-123, Jul 1983
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Bacterial, Disease/defect, Infectious disease, Reproduction, Reproduction - male, Oral/teeth
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: The organism commonly referred to as Actinobacillus seminis is an accepted cause of suppurative epididymitis of rams worldwide, It has also been associated with polyarthritis, myocarditis and posthitis in sheep, and isolated from aborting ewes, goat does and their foetuses. A. seminis has been isolated in South Africa from bovine semen of animals with testicular lesions and uterine discharges of cows having late abortions or stillborn calves. We wish to report the isolation from bovine material of an organism culturally indistinguishable from A. seminis found in rams. A. seminis was cultured from five bovine specimens including two semen, two uterine discharges and a foetal placenta. The semen were from a 3-year-old Angus and a 5-year-old Friesian bull being examined for entry into an Artificial Breeding Centre. Neither animal had any palpable abnormailty of the testes or epididymis. The uterine discharges were from aborted 4-year-old and 5-year-old Friesian cows and the foetal placenta was from the latter animal. All animals were from different properties…
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