Serological comparison of New Zealand and European strains of infectious bronchitis virus in tracheal organ cultures

Authors: Locher M, Lohr JE
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 31, Issue 7, pp 126, Jul 1983
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Avian, Poultry, Production animal
Subject Terms: Clinical pathology, Diagnostic procedures, Immune system/immunology, Viral, Respiratory system, Disease/defect, Infectious disease
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: We would like to draw attention to comparative serological work with New Zealand infectious bronchitis (IB) virus recently completed at our animal health laboratory in South Germany. Since the results are published in a German veterinary journal which may not be readily accessible in this country, we would like to briefly describe the technique employed and those results that may be relevant for New Zealand. The work included several different IB viruses: (1) New Zealand type A and vaccine strain 8049 (“Poulvac”) (2) the Holland (Massachusetts type) vaccine virus in its 52nd and 120th egg passage, (3) a “modified” vaccine virus of unknown origin from a North American vaccine producer, (4) nine South German field isolates, and (5) three Dutch variant strains, designated D20, D3128, and D3896 (Kouwenhoven and Davelaar, unpublished). The reciprocal serum neutralisation test was performed in tracheal organ cultures, similar to those described by Cook et al. but modified in some details to permit the large volume of work. Tracheas from male day-old layer type chicks, originating from flocks known not to suffer an acute outbreak of IB, were removed aseptically and cut into approximately 1 mm thick rings, which were kept in medium and agitated. The medium was serum-free Hank`s medium with antibiotics, fungistat and Hepes buffer…
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