Embryo transfers in Angora and Saanen goats

Authors: Goold PG, Drummond J, McKenzie RD, Clarkson DJ, Tervit HR
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 33, Issue 5, pp 78-80, May 1985
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Goat, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Reproduction - female, Reproduction, Reproduction - assisted/embryo transfer, Embryo/fetus, Endocrine/autocrine/paracrine, Reproduction - hormones
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: Sixteen mixed age Angora does were synchronised by progesterone injections and superovulated with either PMSG or FSH in 1982 and six synchronised Angora and seven Saanens were superovulated with FSH in 1983. All donors entire mated and were subjected to egg recovery by a uterine flush conducted during surgery about five days after oestrus. The mean ovulation rate and number of transferable embryos recovered from Angoras treated with PMSG in 1982 was 9.1 and 5.1, respectively, and for FSH treated donors was 15.1 and 11.0. Results for Angoras treated in 1983 were 5.3 and 5.0 and for Saanens were 29.3 and 25.3. Each year recipient feral and Angora does were synchronised, and 329 embryos were transferred surgically to 151 recipients. One hundred and sixteen (77%) of the recipients kidded producing 191 kids (58% embryo survival). Well fed Angora and Saanen donors superovulated with FSH produced 8 and 17 offspring, respectively, in the year of surgery. This rate of reproduction is about 8 times faster than normal and about double that achieved when donors are superovulateb with PMSG.
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