Renal osteodystrophy with facial hyperostosis and 'rubber jaw' in an adult dog

Authors: Davis GB, Kyle MG, Thompson KG
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 33, Issue 7, pp 118-120, Jul 1985
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Companion animal, Dog
Subject Terms: Biochemistry/chemistry, Skeletal/bone/cartilage, Clinical pathology, Diagnostic procedures, Locomotor, Disease/defect, Kidney/renal disease, Urinary system/urology
Article class: Clinical Communication
Abstract: A nine-year-old male Sheltie dog was presented with bilaterally symmetrical maxilliary swelling, loose teeth and flexible mandibles. The condition was progressive over a period of two months. Biochemical and histopathological examinations supported a diagnosis of renal osteodystrophy with facial hyperostosis and `rubber jaw`.
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