Efficacy of different teat sanitizers for control of pseudocowpox

Authors: Ralston MJ, Pulford HD, Puddle BM
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 34, Issue 1-2, pp 16-18, Jan 1986
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Animal remedies/veterinary medicines, Treatment/therapy, Mammary gland/udder, Milk, Disease/defect, Viral
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: Although there are no pub!ished trials on the use of teat sanitizers to control pseudocowpox in dairy herds, field observations in New Zealand suggest that teat dipping with iodophor may help control outbreaks. However, it is not known whether this treatment prevents new pseudocowpox virus infections or enhances healing of lesions. Three main types of teat sanitizers are currently available in New Zealand and the present study was planned to evaluate these teat sanitizers for the prevention and treatment of pseudocowpox virus lesions. The trial was carried out on the Wallaceville Animal Research Centre experimental dairy farm at Kaitoke and regular examinations over the previous 15 months had not revealed any pseudocowpox virus lesions on the teats of the cows used for the teat-dipping experiment. The majority of the cows in this experiment were first calvers. Scab material was collected from teat lesions of two cows naturally-infected with pseudocowpox virus…
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