A review of thiamine deficiency and its diagnosis, especially in ruminants

Authors: Rammell CG, Hill JH
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 34, Issue 12, pp 202-204, Dec 1986
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Livestock
Subject Terms: Biochemistry/chemistry, Nervous system/neurology, Clinical pathology, Diagnostic procedures, Diet/rations/food, Metabolic disease, Disease/defect, Nutrition/metabolism, Vitamins, Nutritional disease/disorder, Treatment/therapy
Article class: Review Article
Abstract: Thiamine deficiency diseases are briefly reviewed with particular attention to the use of blood thiamine levels in their diagnosis. Blood thiamine levels below 50 nmol/l are considered significant with levels as low as 6-12 nmol/l often being found in suspected cases of polioencephalomalacia.
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