The profession's future

Authors: Trim P
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 35, Issue 6, pp 81, Jun 1987
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: General
Subject Terms: Veterinary profession
Article class: General Article
Abstract: This is a time of unprecedented change likely to affect us all. It is a time when leadership is of paramount importance. Clear vision, rapid response to opportunity and effective communication will provide the profession with a good future. However, initiative has to be balanced with experience. Fundamental change should be implemented only after the risk to tried and valued traditional activities, functions, and the welfare of members has been taken into account. Listening is a skill with which we as a profession are not too well endowed. We are a body of men and women used to working under pressure. Our conscientious nature causes us to focus on the task in hand. So keen to act, we have not seen the need to spare the time to develop our ability to listen. Yet we need to listen. We need to listen to each other to adopt a balance between progress and tradition. We need to listen to our clients to understand their needs and the opportunities in the market place. We need to listen to politicians to be warned of how they may affect our future. We need to listen to our assistants and lay staff to improve the conditions of work. We need to listen to our families to protect our way of life. Practices have not changed much since the time when I was first qualified. The technology has changed dramatically. There are signs that indicate that practices in ten years time will…
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