The estimation of gastrointestinal strongyle worm burdens in young sheep flocks: a new approach to the interpretation of faecal egg counts. II. Evaluation

Authors: Simpson BH, McKenna PB
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 35, Issue 6, pp 98-100, Jun 1987
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant, Sheep
Subject Terms: Alimentary system/gastroenterology, Diagnostic procedures, Nematode, Parasites - internal
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: The performance of a method of estimating the worm burdens in young sheep flocks, by applying egg count data to a simple “formula” was evaluated on four farms in the Manawatu. On all farms there was a good fit between the estimated flock worm burden using this method and those obtained from worm counts. It is suggested that this procedure is likely to be successful in providing a reasonable approximation of the flock worm profile when 10 to 15 egg counts on randomly selected members are performed.
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