Lesions of toxoplasmosis in the perirenal adipose tissue of aborted kids

Authors: Chen W, Alley MR
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 35, Issue 10, pp 176, Oct 1987
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Goat, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Abortion/stillbirth, Reproduction, Protozoa, Reproduction - female, Disease/defect, Zoonosis, Infectious disease, Public health
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: During July of 1986, a number of aborted Angor. kids were received in our laboratory for routine diagnosis o the cause of abortion and they were diagnosed pathological1 and serologically as being due to toxoplasmosis. Apart from classical microscopial lesions in the brain, lung, myocardium, liver and kidney of the aborted kids and the placentae of the does, we noted a prominent steatitis and periarteritis in the perirenal adipose tissue. These lesions were multiple and random in distribution and were characterised by infiltrations of mononuclear cells. The, changes were consistently present in the perirenal fat of all aborted foetuses in which Toxoplasma infection was established. Occasionally, Toxoplasma pseudocysts could be found in association with these...
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