Firecrackers and the profession

Authors: Hughes ID
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 35, Issue 12, pp 215, Dec 1987
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: General
Subject Terms: Animal welfare, Veterinary profession
Article class: Correspondence
Abstract: Having just read with horror of the cruel death of two ducklings as a result of their having firecrackers tied to their bodies and set alight, I felt it was perhaps time to invite some discussion from the profession on the availability and use of firecrackers. As a group of professionals closely associated with the welfare of animals, I feel it would be pertinent at this time for the New Zealand Veterinary Association, as our representatives, to produce a policy statement on this matter. While I can readily agree that the tradition of fireworks at this time of year gives pleasure to many people, I feel firecrackers as such have very little, if anything, in the way of redeeming features…
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