The veterinarian and the livestock industries - fire in the heart or smoke in the eyes?

Authors: Morris RS
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 36, Issue 4, pp 161-166, Dec 1988
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: General
Subject Terms: Veterinary profession
Article class: General Article
Abstract: The purpose of this oration is to honour an individual who has exhibited in the course of his long career many attributes to which we should all aspire. He certainly showed he has fire in his heart, and continues to take an active interest in the welfare of his profession. After graduating in Veterinary Science in Australia, Dr Fitch came to New Zealand where he spent his first six years as Chief Diagnostic Officer at Waliaceville Animal Research Centre. At that time he was also Honorary Secretary of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. He then took the leap of faith to found a company to produce veterinary vaccines in New Zealand. The company, first known as Trentham Veterinary Laboratory (TVL), subsequently gained international recognition and overseas markets as high-quality manufacturer of animal vaccines…
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