Chondrodystrophy in calves associated with manganese deficiency

Authors: Manktelow BW, Lawes GS, Valero G, Badcoe LM, Merrall M, Alley MR
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 38, Issue 4, pp 161-167, Dec 1990
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cattle, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Skeletal/bone/cartilage, Congenital disease, Minerals/elememts, Nutrition/metabolism, Pathology
Article class: Clinical Communication
Abstract: A severe congenital chondrodystrophy in Charolais calves is described. Thirty-two calves were born on the same farm with shortened limbs and enlarged joints. Histologically, there was poor cartilage maturation with excessive amounts of rarefied cartilage matrix. There were degenerative changes in the chondrocytes and a severe reduction in the mucopolysaccharide content of all body hyaline cartilage. The cartilage matrix, when examined ultrastructurally, showed loose, disorganised fibres in a rarefied matrix, and extensive vacuolation of the chondrocytes. A low level of manganese was found in the liver of an affected calf. The pregnant cows were fed on apple pulp and corn silage, both of which are low in manganese.
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