Radio-iodine treatment of hyperthyroid cats

Authors: Dillon EA, Cayzer J, Jones BR, Smidt KP
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 39, Issue 3, pp 114, Sep 1991
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Cat, Companion animal
Subject Terms: Diagnostic procedures, Endocrine/autocrine/paracrine, Thyroid, Disease/defect, Trace elements, Metabolic disease, Imaging, Treatment/therapy
Article class: Erratum / Corrections
Abstract: I refer to our paper Radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroid cats published in the last issue of the Journal (New Zealand Veterinary Journal 39, 71-4, 1991). Although we frequently request and appreciate the collaboration and assistance of the Department of Veterinary Pathology and Public Health at Massey University, no members of that department participated in this study. B.R. Jones, J. Cayzer and E.A. Dillon are or were all members of the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences and Dr K.P. Smidt is from the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Palmerston North Hospital, Palmerston North. The addresses of the authors as printed in the Journal are incorrect. I would be pleased if you would print this letter making the corrections. Boyd Jones Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences Massey University Palmerston North New Zealand Received 18 September 1991  ...
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