The isolation of Yersinia species from retailed sausages containing venison

Authors: Madie P, Wilks CR, Bosi E, Fenwick SG
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 43, Issue 1, pp 27-28, Feb 1995
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Deer, Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant
Subject Terms: Bacterial, Contamination/hygiene, Alimentary system/gastroenterology, Meat, Public health, Zoonosis, Infectious disease, Disease/defect
Article class: Short Communication
Abstract: Thirteen isolates of Yersinia spp., regarded as environmental strains, were recovered from 70 sausages containing venison which were presented for sale through retail outlets. It is not possible to incriminate venison as the source of these strains because the sausages contained other food ingredients. The pathogenic potential of such environmental strains remains unclear.
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