A study of high lamb liver copper concentrations on some farms in Otago and Southland

Authors: Clark RG
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 44, Issue 3, pp 119, Jun 1996
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Livestock, Production animal, Ruminant, Sheep
Subject Terms: Clinical pathology, Diagnostic procedures, Copper, Trace elements, Diet/rations/food, Liver/hepatic disease, Nutrition/metabolism, Poisoning - chemical
Article class: Erratum / Corrections
Abstract: In the paper “A study of high lamb liver copper concentrations on some farms in Otago and Southland” by R.G. Clark (New Zealand Veterinary Journal 43, 141-5, 1995), one of the axes of Figure 1 was incorrectly labelled. The corrected Figure 1 is printed.
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